I originally bought the link but found the button to hard to press and I hated how I felt like I had a watch on but I couldnt see the time when I looked at it! So I went back and bought the Vue and I have to say I love it! I have had it for four days now and I just charged it again tonight (I probably still had a day or two on the battery 34% but I didnt wanna chance being out and it dying!) Now about the app its self!
I love this app! I have a few things I feel could be better but I honestly like it just fine!
App Pro:
1. Logs Calories intake and out all in one app! No app flipping and comparing!
2. It shows active calorie burn and resting calorie burn which means you know how much you burned naturally and how much you have worked off!
3. Its easy to sync and use!
4. It tracks your sleep really well! I sleep walk sometimes as an adult its happen less but still happens! And now I know if I got up and walked around in the night!
5. Good battery life! And charges fast! Went from 34% to 100% in about 1 and a half hours!
6. Has barcode scanner! Love this it makes eating snacks or milk so much easier to record!
Now Cons/Improvements:
1. I wish you could view your food you had input and delete mistakes! I accidentally picked the wrong things before or wrong amount and there is no way of fixing it :/
2. Something I noticed was the app sometimes doesnt sync up and you have to manually sync! Not a big deal just pull down on the main screen!
3. I wish that the alarm to wake you up would vibrate until you got up and shut it off it only vibrates for a second and thats not enough to wake me up!
Over all I love the app and the band and I will be keeping it and using it! When it dies I might try another one but I like it and it does what I need so I see no reason to fix what isnt broke!
Kaye Hoepfl about iFit | Revolutionary fitness tracking